
USCIS accepting new DACA and advance parole applications

In December 2020, the federal court system ordered the Department of Homeland Security to restore the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The agency has again begun accepting new DACA applications, DACA renewals, and applications for advance parole for...

Understanding The K-1 Visa

Understanding The K-1 Visa

The K-1 visa process is quite lengthy, intricate and might seem overwhelming. The following details of  the eligibility criteria, visa timeline, associated costs, documents required, and the steps involved can make the process easier to understand and less confusing....

How To Qualify For Asylum In The US

The United States is willing to help foreign nationals who face persecution in their countries and welcomes them with open arms. But whether you will receive help when you need it depends on whether you know how to qualify for asylum in the U.S. Not everyone is...

How To Appeal Immigration Decision In The United States

As an immigrant in California, what can you do if you want to live permanently in the country? You must go through the application process, whether you aim for a green card, a work visa or citizenship.  If your application for immigration gets denied at first, it can...

What Happens During The USA Deportation Process?

According to USA.gov, deportation from the United States occurs for many reasons, including lack of immigration status, visa violations, participating in criminal activities or threatening public safety. Officials must follow the law when deporting you, and they must...